Archive Posts 2008

Please find below a summary of the posts in 2008

(11/08) Kjersti Ericsson: The German Norwegian war children of World War II
and Ingvill C. Mochmann: Truth and post war reconciliation – what lessons
could Norway draw from its own past, especially the treatment of the Jewish
population and “tyskerjentene” during and after WWII? Both are contribution
to the series“Globale Norge – hva nå“ on invitation from the Norwegian foreign
minister Jonas Gahr Støre on occasion of the 60-anniversary of the
Declaration on Human rights, November 11, 2008.

(10/08) Anonyma

(10/08) Remmers, Wolfgang and Norz, Ludwig: Né maudit – verwünscht geboren –
Kriegskinder, EXPERIENZAWASt, Band 2, Verlag Adrian Chirita C & N,
Berlin, 2008.

(10/08) Kerstin Muth: Die Wehrmacht in Griechenland – und ihre Kinder, Eudora-
Verlag, 2008.

(10/08) Ingvill C. Mochmann and Steffen Prauser presented the research project on
children born of war during and after WWII at 13. Historikertreffen, 28.10.08 in

(09/08) Ingvill C. Mochmann: The complexity of securing the interests of children born
of war during and after post-conflict situations. Session: Methodology for
societal complexity, RC 33, Naples, September 4th, 2008.

(09/08) Publication: Kjersti Ericsson/Eva Simonsen “On the border. The contested
children of Second World War in: Childhood, Vol. 15, No.3, 397-414 (2008).

(06/08) Workshop: Children born of war during and after World War II, Center for
Second World War Studies, University of Birmingham, June 20, 2008
At this occassion a research network aiming at closing the data gap on
children born during and after WWII was established. Members are from
Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and UK.

(01/08) Publication: Mochmann, Ingvill C and Stein Ugelvik Larsen: “The forgotten
consequences of war: The life course of children fathered by German soldiers
in Norway and Denmark during WWII – some empirical results.” In: Historical
Social Research, Vol. 33, 2008, No.1, p. 347-363.