Please find below a summary of the posts in 2009
(12/09) INIRC Newsletter No. 3/2009 now available.
(12/09) “Individual versus collective responsibility – who is responsible for the children
born of war?” has been accepted for presentation, in the Session “War and
Violence” at the International Sociological Association, Gothenburg, Sweden,
July 2010.
(9/09) New publication: Historical Social Research, HSR Vol. 34 (2009) 3, Focus:
Ingvill C. Mochmann, Sabine Lee & Barbara Stelzl-Marx (Eds.): «Children
Born of War: Second World War and Beyond»
(12/09) “Das Meisje und der deutsche Soldat”. In der Reihe “Liebe unerwünscht”. A
movie by Erika Fehse.
(12/09) Gelöschte Namen: Warum eine 67-jährige Belgierin jahrzehntelang nach
ihrem Vater suchte, Der Spiegel 52/2009, p.123.
(9/09) Gerlinda Swillen:KoekoekskindDoor de vijand verwekt (1940-1945)
(9/09) New Book! Helle Aarnes: Tyskerjentene – Historiene vi aldri ble fortalt
nominated for Brageprisen 2009
(7/09) ESRA, Warsaw June 30th 2009: Analysing children born of war across time,
nations and disciplines. Here you find abstracts of the presentations.
(8/09) INIRC Newsletter No. 2 now available!
(8/09) Deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft für einen “Bastard, Welt Online, 06.08.2009.
(7/09) New Book: Ebba D. Drolshagen: Der freundliche Feind Wehrmachtssoldaten
im besetzten Europa.
(7/09) Tracing Roots Fostered by War, Severed by Shame, New York Times.
(6/09) Presentation: “Children born of war and the Compram methodology” at the
23rd European conference on operational research, Bonn, July 5-8, 2009.
(5/09) Interview with Ingvill C. Mochmann in conjunction with the network
presentation a the World Social Science Forum, Bergen, May 10-12 2009.
(4/09) NEW BOOK! Erik Oluf Otto Galvit Inger min mor, tyskertøs eller forbudt
(4/09) Panel discussion: Wednesday, April 29, 6:30 pmIntented Consequences:
Rwandan Children Born of Rape and exhibition (by Jonathan Torgovnik)
(4/09) TV Report: ARTE, Saturday April 4th 7pm: RUANDA: Die Kinder des
Genozids/ RWANDA: les enfants du génocide von/de Ivo Brandau und/et
Markus CM Schmidt
(3/09) NEW BOOK: Fabrice Virgili Naître ennemi: Les enfants de couples franco-
allemands nés pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale
(3/09) Les viols en temps de guerre: une histoire à écrire. Rape in Wartime : A
History to be Written. Colloque international 11-13 mai 2009, Paris.
(3/09) The network will be presented at the Symposium: Traumatisierungen des II.
Weltkrieges: epidemiologische, soziologische und psychotherapeutische
Aspekte bei der Deutschsprachigen Gesellschaft für Psychotraumatologie,
Bielefeld, Germany May 7 until 10 2009. Title of presentation is: Kinder des
Krieges – Zwischen Anpassung, Ausgrenzung und Traumatisierung.
(3/09) The network will be presented at the World Social Science Forum in Bergen,
May 10-12 2009 with a poster presentation: How to give a voice to children
born of war? Experiences from an interdisciplinary research network.
(2/09) ESRA, Warsaw June 30th 2009: Analysing children born of war across time,
nations and disciplines. Here you find abstracts of the presentations.
(2/09) German passports for war children