Archive Posts 2011

Please find below a summary of the posts in 2011

(12/11) Call for Papers: War Children in the Post-war: A West-East perspective on
child policies, child experiences and war childhood remembrance cultures in
Europe since 1945.

(11/11) New publication! Philipp Kuwert und Ingvill C. Mochmann:
Kriegstraumatisierungen aus interdiziplinärer Sicht I, 5 Jg., Heft 4, November

(10/11) SRSG on children and armed conflict opens conference organised by PRIO
and INIRC on the legacy of war time rape and children born of war in Oslo,
October 27-28 2011.

(09/11) Programme “Brown Babies”, Arte.

(07/11) Conference announcement: The lost childhoods of wartime, September 7-9
September 2011, University of Reading, UK.

(05/11) New publications: Lars Westerlund (ed.) Vol. 1 Children of German Soldiers
and Vol 2. Children of Foreign Soldiers-

(05/11) Radio Programme “Deutsche Väter – Kriegskinder trafen sich in Belgien”,
Deutschlandfunk, 9.5.11,

(04/11) Workshop “‘Lebensborn’-Kinder in der DDR. Erinnerungen im Spannungsfeld
zweier Diktaturen” 11. Mai 2011, TOPOI-Haus der Freien Universität Berlin

(02/11) Exhibition in Gent, Belgium opening April 1st 2011 Kuckuckskind –
Kriegskinder 1940-1945.