Archive Posts 2015

Please find below a summary of the posts in 2015.
(originaly posted at

November 2, 2015 New article “I am not who they think I am”

Reflections of Children Born of Sexual Violence During Uganda’s Conflict.

October 24, 2015 Documentary: Screaming Silence – Ronnie Sarnat

This excellent documentary has first-person testimony by Israeli women and men who were sexually abused as children during the Holocaust (source:

October 9, 2015 New Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform

Goals, targets and topics: 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere. To see further targets and topics related to the Sustainable Development Goals as defined in Transforming Our World – the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

September 21, 2015 INIRC at human rights workshop at UKDA

INIRC at human rights workshop at UKDA presenting data collection of CBOW. “Supporting human rights organisations to deliver insights from data.” When & where: Thursday, 29th October 2015 at University of Essex.

July 6, 2015 ‘Punished without Trial for Sleeping with the Germans during the War’

“While Norway officially flaunted itself by bringing war criminals before court in the trials succeeding World War II, the so-called “German whores” were punished without trial although no crime had been committed.”

June 1, 2015 Children of Occupation: Experiences in Education and Experiences of Difference in Familial Dialogue.

The research project “Children of Occupation” focuses on the biographical memories of people born in Germany after the Second World War whose fathers were members of the allied forces. On the basis of biographical interviews, we will analyze the life stories of occupation children during childhood and youth in particular. The project intends to show how these people experienced their upbringing and sociocultural environment in post-war Germany, focusing both on the different occupation zones, as well as the early Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR. Further, the project asks how these experiences and stories were passed on to succeeding generations and as well as it considers the place of these stories within family memories.