Archive Posts 2019

Please find below a summary of the posts in 2019

November 27, 2019 Speech: “Official Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women” Ajna Jusic’s “Forgotten Children of War” speech at the UN. For more information, please see here.

November 4, 2019 New Movie: DocFilm – Living in Dignity – Ajna Fights for Bosnia’s “Children of Shame” “During the war in Yugoslavia, thousands of Bosnian women were raped and many became pregnant as a result. But their children are even now not recognized as war victims. The NGO “Forgotten Children of War” aims to change that.” For more information, please see here.

October 30, 2019 Bundesverdienstkreuz for Arne Øland. Text in German: “Arne Øland wurde 1945 in Dänemark geboren, sein Vater war Soldat der deutschen Wehrmacht. Nun wurde er von der Bundesrepublik Deutschland für seinen Einsatz für die Kriegskinder geehrt.” For more information, please see here.

September 3, 2019 Sign petition to get Norwegian CBOW home from Syria. Amnesty International Petition: For more information, please see here.

August 19, 2019 Film viewing with discussion. Geliebt und Geächtet – Kinder des Krieges. Further information:

Dates of viewing and discussions (further will follow): Trailer and information here:

– 6. August 2019, 17:30 Uhr, Schulenburger Landstr. 150 in Hannover. Anschließende Diskussion mit: Hatab Omar, Vorsitzender der Ezidischen Akademie
– 8. August 2019, 19:00 Uhr, Victor-Gollancz-Haus der GfbV, Geiststr. 7 in Göttingen. Anschließende Diskussion mit: Mirza Dinnayi, yezidischer Menschenrechtsaktivist, und Ilyas Isa, Vorstand des Zentrums der Eziden Göttingen e.V.
– 15. August 2019, 18:00 Uhr, Yezidisches Forum e.V., Eidechsenstr. 19 in Oldenburg. Anschließende Diskussion mit: Ilyas Yanc, Yezidisches Forum Oldenburg und Flüchtlingsberater bei IBIS e.V.
– 5. September 2019, 18:00 Uhr, Evangelischer Kirchenkreis Bielefeld, Markgrafenstr. 7 in Bielefeld. Anschließende Diskussion mit: Prof. Jan Ilhan Kizilhan, deutsch-yezidischer Psychologe und Dr. Monika Hauser, Gynäkologin und Gründerin der Frauenrechtsorganisation medica mondiale


August 19, 2019 New York Times Article: ‘For ISIS Children, Returning Home to Europe Meets Resistance’ For more information please see here.

July 30, 2019 New York Times Article: ‘Her eyes were full of fear’ “Turkey repatriates children of ISIS followers”. For more information, please see here.

July 1, 2019 New York Times Article: “Australia Is Bringing Children of ISIS Home. Is It Ready?” For more information, please see here.

June 28, 2019 New Article: “Productive Discourses: Media Coverage of Children Born of War in Colombia” The Bulletin of Latin American Research published an article with the title: “Productive Discourses: Media Coverage of Children Born of War in Colombia”  by SANCHEZ PARRA, T. and LO IACONO, S. For more information please see here.

June 26, 2019 Movie Showing: “Wars don’t end”. The film „Wars don’t end“ will be shown in the television channels BBC Arabic, YLE (Finland) and UR/SVT (Sverige).

27. June 2019: Movie showing and panel discussion at the Nordic embassies in Berlin.

June 17, 2019 Oslo Conference: “Ending Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Humanitarian Crises” May 23-24 May 2019 the international conference “Ending Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Humanitarian Crises” took place in Oslo, Norway. The conference was hosted by Norway, Iraq, Somalia, United Arab Emirates, UN OCHA, UNFPA, ICRC and other partners. INIRC-CBOW founder Ingvill C. Mochmann was invited to give an overview on major topics and stat-of-the art knowledge on children born of war at the session “Forced motherhood and children born of war”. 

June 17, 2019 New Book: “DER ZWEITE WELTKRIEG IST UNSERE WIEGE”. The World War II is our cradle – An East Belgian  story with testimonies of Wehrmacht-and GI-children of war] “For years the subject such as the confrontation with extramarital motherhood in times of war has been repressed or concealed. Gerlinda Swillen, a convinced feminist, puts that aspect of the courage of life of women in the spotlight. An exceptional achievement of the author is that she focusses on the children born out of such relations. Recent and current wars demonstrate that the theme of the writer not only concerns dealing with the past.” – Els Herrebout, chief archivist of the State Archives in Eupen. Without wars and conflicts it would not exist: the forgotten generation of children of war, often called children of the occupation. Children born out of relations of native women with soldiers – German Wehrmachtsoldiers and as of 1944 GI-soldiers. The existence of children of war and the unresolved suffering of this generation has for many years been declared taboo and concealed. The treatment of the mothers was often harsh. The atrocious images of women having to run the gauntlet amidst a howling crowd because they had an erotic relation with the enemy point this out.

May 10, 2019 New York Times News Article, “Thousands of ISIS Children Suffer in Camps as Countries Grapple With Their Fate”. For more information please see here.

April 10, 2019 BAFTA Games Awards 2019 My Child Lebensborn wins Game Beyond Entertainment Award

March 11, 2019 News Article (The Guardian): “Syrian camps: vulnerable children of Isis ignored by the outside world”. “Up to 3,000 infants born to foreign nationals like Shamima Begum may be at risk”. For more information, please see here.

February 20, 2019 New Article (Drammens Tidende): “Tysklandsbrigaden og de deporterte «tyskertøsene»” (Article in Norwegian). “Norske soldater ble sendt til Tyskland for å vokte freden i 1947. Tysklandsbrigaden hadde på forhånd kunnskap om hvor ødelagt destinasjonen var.”. For more information, please see here.

February 20, 2019 New Article (The Washington Post): “Their parents joined ISIS. […]”. “They were raised in the caliphate. Can they come home?“ For more information, please see here.

February 18, 2019 News Article (The Guardian): “Isis Briton Shamima Begum pleads to return to UK after giving birth” “Nineteen-year-old who fled UK in 2015 asks for sympathy day after her son’s birth”. For more information, please see here.

February 8, 2019 Research: Children of Black Liberators in NL. Topic: “Children of Black Liberators in The Netherlands” by Mieke Kirkels. “We need your help to find relatives of the 172 African Americans buried in the American Cemetery in NL. Until now they are only known by the name on their graves. A list of names by State is available. At this stage we also can provide some numbers of units they have served in.”. “The results of this research will be the main content of the digital book that will be continued as long as stories will be found. An educational program in Dutch as well in English will be part of it. If you have any information please contact us at or 0031638906447”, For more information, please see here.

January 16, 2019 GPS Policy Brief: “CBOW: Between Stigmatization, Integration and Empowerment“. “Throughout history, Children Born of War (CBOW) have been born as a consequence of both sexual violence and of more or less consensual relationships in war and conflict. Nevertheless, little isknown about this group of children; although, evidence suggests that their basic human rights are violated and their integration into the post-conflict society is challenged. It is becomingincreasingly recognized at both the academic and the political level that this group of children deservesand needs targeted attention. Inthis policy brief, we will outline some of the key challenges faced by Children Born of War and suggestavenues for further research.”

For more information, please see here.