UN OCHA visits GLOWA, Cameroon

Cameroon organisation, GLOWA, one of our 2022 funded projects, has been advocating tirelessly in the North West and South West regions of the country, to secure the recognition of victims of conflict related sexual violence as a vulnerable group deserving support, particuarly for children fathered by armed combatants. Their advocacy has reached the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) in Bamenda, and they were recently joined by the Office a routine visit to familiarize with NGOs working in the field and equally to get first hand knowledge on what is happening on the field.

While GLOWA does not receive funding support from any organization of the UN system, this visit gives some much-needed visibility to GLOWA and the children born of the war in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon. The visit coincided with a ceremony to donate menstrual hygiene kits to survivors of conflict related sexual violence who are undergoing rehabilitation at GLOWA.

Mothers undergoing rehabilitation at GLOWA are encouraged to bring their children born of war to the Centre, but this has necessitated GLOWA to kick-start the development of a safe space where they are taken care of while their mothers undergo vocational training.

Photos of the ceremony for menstrual hygiene kits, shared with permission. © GLOWA, 2023