New book released „Children and Youth at Risk in Times of Transition. International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives”

Yesterday, the edited volume „Children and Youth at Risk in Times of Transition. International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives” edited by Baard Herman Borge, Elke Kleinau and Ingvill Constanze Ødegaard was published online by De Gruyter. The book also includes six chapters on children born of war which may be of interest to CBOW project followers: Reflections on Methodological Approaches and Challenges in Researching Children Born of War by Ingvill Constanze Ødegaard and Elke Kleinau Researching Global Phenomena in Local Circumstances: Polish Children Born of War in the Context of CBOW Research by Jakub Gałęziowski Black German ‘Occupation Children’ in the Focus of Anthropological Research: Continuities and Discontinuities by Elke Kleinau Problematised ‘Fatherlessness’: On the (Re)Production of a ‘Victim Narrative’ in ‘Occupation Children’ Research by Rafaela Schmid Liminal Children, Liminal Rights? Media Representations of Scandinavian Children Born of War after World War II and after the Fall of the Islamic State by Martina Koegeler-Abdi The Evolution of Child Soldiers from ‘Villains to Victims’ in Law and Policy and its Significance for Children Born of War by Lina Stotz   For further information and download: #children #childrensrights #humanrights #cbow #childrenbornofwar #WWII #refugee #occupation #EuroWARCHILD