Missing Peace Symposium on conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV)

Last week the Missing Peace Symposium on conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) organised by the United States Institute of Peace and partners took place in Washington DC. Despite increased and massive attention to CRSV, children born of war (CBOW) have for a long time been invisible, although they are likely to have been born in every war and conflict. However, CBOW Project board members were strongly represented at the symposium emphasising the importance not to forget the children born of war and thanks to Inger Skjelsbæk a session on CBOW took place. Amongst the topics that were discussed were: 1) What we know about children born of war from studies in the past and the emerging themes and contexts in recent scholarship, and 2) How the needs and concerns of children born of war – both unique needs and those shared by children in armed conflict – and relevant ethical concerns be addressed by both policy actors and practitioners. The presentations given by Ajna Jusić, Nayanika Mookherjee, Ingvill Constanze Ødegaard, and Kimberly Theidon covered a wide range of geographical areas and wars underlining the global and historical dimension of the topic and the need to increase visibility and inclusion of CBOW both in research and policy. #USIPWomenPeaceSecurity #MissingPeaceInitiative #CBOW #PRIO #UIO #CRSV #EuroWARCHILD