

Our mission is to better the situation for Children Born of War the world over.

To achieve this mission, we work to promote and safeguard the needs and rights of children born of war (CBOW) as a means of alleviating the personal, social, economic and legal-political challenges they face. We strive for a state of positive identity and a stigma-free environment for CBOW worldwide.

To do this, we work towards developing evidenced based solutions that adequately address the needs and rights of CBOW, and do so by engaging in information gathering, training and research. 


Who are the children born of war?


The purpose of the foundation is to promote and safeguard the needs and rights of children born of war, defined as children where the mother is a local native and the father usually belongs to a foreign military, armed group, or e.g. a peacekeeping force. Aims of the foundation include:

  • Work for increased awareness, knowledge and available information about CBOW
  • Work to secure and promote the rights of CBOW worldwide
  • Support teaching and training projects aimed at combating stigma against CBOW
  • Support research initiatives aimed at knowledge building and documentation of living conditions and treatment of CBOW worldwide
  • Direct assistance to organizations and individuals working on projects related to the foundation’s purpose


Our vision is for researchers, survivor organisations, CBOW organisations, governments, courts and non-governmental organisations to work together to collect data and sources that inform evidence, advocacy, training and policy on issues related to CBOW. This (virutal) hub will facilitate systematic collaboration and information sharing, prevent siloes and ensure the rights and needs of CBOW are at the centre.