Cameroon organisation, GLOWA, one of our 2022 funded projects, has been advocating tirelessly in the North West and South West regions of the country, to secure the recognition of victims…
Author: Admin CBOW Project
Expert Roundtable on Children Born of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
Breaking Down Barriers to the Rights to Identity and Nationality 27 June 2023, Geneva Last month, CBOW Project Managing Director and Chairwoman, Ingvill Constanze Ødegaard, participated in a roundtable event,…
Books on children born of war
For our German-speaking followers, check out these two books, still available to buy, on children born of war... Flavia Guerrini Vom Feind ein Kind. Nachkommen alliierter Soldaten erzählen. "From the…
Request for Interview with Norwegian Lebensborn ‘Child’
On behalf of Portuguese freelance reporter Tiago Carrasco. Mr Carrasco is based in Bavaria, Germany, and is working as a correspondent for several Portuguese and European media outlets.He is currently…
Mid-term updates from our Grant Winners
Youth Leaders for Restoration and Development We funded Youth Leaders for Restoration and Development (YOLRED) apprenticeship program for Providing Economic Empowerment for Children Born of War. YOLRED is an organisation…
CBOW Summer Newsletter 2023
Summer Newsletter 2023 Coming up...Updates & highlightsRecap of recent eventsPublicationsTeam newsOther news HIGHLIGHTS Congratulations Jakub We are delighted to share the news that oral historian and CBOW Project Affiliated Expert,…
Interesting PRIO policy brief published
Read this interesting PRIO policy brief published today by the CBOW project board members Norman Mukasa and Lina Stotz Children Born of War: Bridging the Divide Between Research and Policy…
Event “Children – the forgotten victims of war” at University of Cologne
Last night, at the University of Cologne, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Claus Kreß LL.M, Chair for German and International Criminal Law at the University of Cologne, director of…
The Children Born of War Project
October 1st 2021: the new website went live!
In this process the International Network for Interdisciplinary Research on Children Born of War was merged with the foundation “Children Born of War project” in September 2021.
Cast out: the Yazidi women reunited with their children born in ISIS slavery
“Yazidi elders disown former slaves of Islamic State, forcing them to choose between their children and their community” For more information, please see here.
Why these World War II sex slaves are still demanding justice
“Narcisa Claveria will turn 89 this year, two days before Christmas. Stepping onto the veranda of the family apartment, she takes a moment to check on her 92-year-old husband, who…
New ERC Consolidator Grant to PRIO associate Inger Skjelsbæk
“Inger Skjelsbæk, Professor at the University of Oslo and PRIO, has been granted a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant to conduct research on ‘Innocent Children or Security Threats?…
New article: The Biracial War Children of Dutch Limburg and WW II EuropeNew article:
New Article: an applied history of U.S. Military racial policy. For more information, please see here.
Ludwig Bolzmann Stiftung calls for testemonies about “LEBENSBORN” MATERINITY HOME IN AUSTRILA
About 1,300 children were born at the Nazi maternity home in Feichtenbach in Austria. The LudwigBoltzmann Institute for Consequences of War is looking for testimonies and records to document thehistory…
New Article: Western Countries leave children of ISIS in Syrian camps
Article in the New York times. Headline The children are living in squalid detention camps lacking schools, health care and clean water, and where disease and jihadist ideology are rampant.…
New Podcast with Prof. Dr. Mochmann
“Zum Internationalen Tag der Frauen sprachen wir mit Frau Prof. Dr. Mochmann über die vergessenen Opfer sexualisierter Gewalt: die Kinder des Krieges." To listen to the podcast, please see here.
New Article: “Die Zukunft der Kinder des IS”
“Sieben Forderungen von und für die yezidische Gemeinschaft” For more information, please see here (article in German, English and Arabic).
Discussion: Fulfilling the SDGs for Hidden and Vulnerable Populations
“Join a discussion on the impact of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for hidden and vulnerable populations in post-conflict situations. It will focus on women exposed to sexual violence during…
New Article: Place-making and the everyday lives of children born into the Lord’s Resistance Army
by Beth W. Stewart (2020) in Children's Geographies, DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2020.1713994 ABSTRACTAfter decades of war in northern Uganda, children born of forced marriage in the rebel group the Lord’s Resistance Army…
Book presentation: “Der Zweite Weltkrieg ist unsere Wiege – Eine ostbelgische Geschichte”
Präsentation des Buches: Gerlinda Swillen, Der Zweite Weltkrieg ist unsere Wiege - Eine ostbelgische Geschichte (mit Zeitzeugenberichten von Wehrmachts- und GI-Kriegskindern) Wann? Am Mittwoch, dem 22. Januar 2020, um 19 UhrWo? Amtssitz des…